Page 2 - Reviews - Natural Factors, Whole Earth & Sea, Marine Algae-3, 450 mg EPA & DHA, 30 Veggie Caps - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on May 6, 2017
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Posted on Mar 29, 2017
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Auto-translated from Russian

☝ Everyone has heard about the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids, especially two of them - EPA and DHA. I will not even describe how necessary they are to the body! I got the impression that almost everyone who comes to iHerb necessarily buys a product containing these fatty acids. 🐠All we remember fish oil from childhood. Then it turned out that the fish oil obtained from the liver of fish is not such a useful product. In the process of vital activity of the fish, harmful components accumulate in its liver, which casts doubt on the advisability of taking fish oil. 🐠To eliminate this deficiency, began to receive fat not from the liver, but from fish meat. And this fat is already called "fish". However, a sharp deterioration in the ecology of the world's oceans, man-made catastrophes (for example, the accident at Fukushima, an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico) increase the risk that the fish from which the Omega-3 will be obtained can have organic, including radiation, contamination. Therefore, fish oil must be cleaned. Refined fish oil is a polluted, concentrated product. Unlike natural fat, in which Omega-3 is only 30%, in a refined version, EPA and DHA share 50-90% of the total mass. 🐠However, there is one big "but" here. Omega-3 acids of this variant of fat are in the form of ethyl esters and extremely poorly absorbed by the human body. Therefore, some manufacturers of dietary supplements go further. They not only refined fish oil, but they also restore Omega-3 to triglycerides, which are already much better absorbed.  Another approach is also possible - to grow fish on farming farms. But! The fish grown on the farm contains Omega-3 no more than a sandwich with sausage. 🌱And now - ATTENTION! Where does Omega-3 fatty acids appear in fish? From the AQUARIUS! Therefore, from the point of view of obtaining Omega-3 fish grown on farms and fattened with mixed fodders, is useless! EPA and DHA can be obtained from a clean and stable source - algae, which are produced in a controlled environment and do not contain impurities. "Even if algae are not produced in a controlled environment but taken from a natural habitat - there is an indisputable fact: the more stages in the food chain, the greater the accumulation of harmful substances in the internal organs and adipose tissue. Simply put, in predatory fish, eating small fishes poisonous substances more than in the shallow, which eats algae and phytoplankton. So in the process of metabolism of aquatic microorganisms, mercury is converted into methylmercury. It is in this form that it is found in the composition of the fish. Methyl mercury is more toxic than free metal and is easily absorbed in the digestive tract. ☝Why do I quote these arguments? And to the fact that iHerb has products containing Omega-3, obtained from safe sources - specially selected microalgae. This product is one of them. And, perhaps, here is not the highest content of EPA and DHA (DHA-300 mg, EPA-150 mg), but sufficient, according to the American Heart Association.

Posted on Aug 14, 2017
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Auto-translated from Arabic
Posted on Aug 17, 2018
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Auto-translated from Arabic